Executive Mentoring & Coaching


We are passionate about equipping leaders to perform at their best. Our personal development programmes equip senior leaders with the skills and insight to enhance their impact.

Executive DEI Mentoring Programme©

Designed and delivered by global DEI experts our unique Executive DEI Mentoring Programme© provides executive and senior leaders a safe, one to one, confidential space for learning.

We are committed to helping leaders learn about diversity, equity and inclusion and have worked with many CEO’s, board members and senior leaders who are committed to DEI and recognise that investing in their personal development is a key part of getting DEI right.

From our working with executive teams we have developed a unique one to one DEI mentoring programme that creates safe and confidential spaces for personal learning.

Executive DEI Mentoring Programme© equips senior executives and leaders to navigate a structured personal development journey in diversity, equity and inclusion. A space for leaders to ask challenging questions and talk through personal experiences.

Using real-life scenarios we demystify the broad spectrum of diversity, equity and inclusion. We provide leaders with a wealth of knowledge along with the confidence to be an active, engaged, role model who feels equipped to confidently lead DEI.

Executive Coaching

Achieve enhanced performance with targeted, executive coaching…that works

Eric Schmidt, the former executive chairman of Google described his thoughts about coaching in Fortune a global media organisation:

“How could a coach advise me if I’m the best person in the world at this? But that’s not what a coach does …They have to watch you and get you to be your best … Once I realized I could trust him and that he [the coach] could help me with perspective, I decided this was a great idea.”

Our professional, experienced, coaches have a track record in leading businesses and are successful at helping leaders to identify clear goals that will address their development challenges. We bring proven, best-practice coaching techniques, that support leaders to discover permanent and positive behavioural change that directly impacts on their personal performance results.

We coach leaders from the world’s most successful organisations.

Reverse Mentoring and Allyship Programme©

Looking to become an active DEI ally? Experience life through the lens of others with our reverse mentoring programmes.

As a leader it can be difficult to navigate DEI experiences of which you have no exposure in, through fear of ‘getting it wrong’.

There are tangible opportunities for leaders to walk the talk when it comes to influencing culture change through leading with allyship. Our effective programme leans into inclusive leadership and the programme is delivered in a way that:

  • Has a radical impact on participants’ awareness, understanding and learning about DEI and what it means to develop a career as a member of an under-represented group.
  • Creates inclusive engagement with colleagues of diverse identities from different teams, roles and work environments.
  • Develops and equips leaders to be active allies that have a strategic impact on your organisation’s DEI ambitions.
  • Is designed to enable ongoing feedback and mutual learning throughout the programme, and beyond.
  • Is agile, accessible and held virtually using Microsoft Teams or face to face where the opportunities allow.

We have extensive experience setting up and facilitating successful reverse mentoring programmes between senior leaders and colleagues, helping to bridge the gap of lived experiences to enable inclusion to thrive.
